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“Legacy of Love” Valentine’s Day Event

Tickets for our 2nd annual Valentine’s Day event, Legacy of Love, are on sale now. This year’s event will feature delightful hors d’oeuvres, a delicious catered dinner, fantastic silent auction items, and more. 

Evening agenda

  • 5:00 PM – Doors open and Silent Auction begins
  • 6:30 PM – Silent Auction ends and dinner is served

Tickets are $50/person and seating is limited. Full tables (8 seats) are available for $400 and are on a first-come, first-served basis. Last year’s event sold out quickly, so don’t miss your chance to experience the legacy of love in Spring Creek.

For more information or to purchase tickets, call 731.214. 8755 or fill out the form on this page. 

Request Your Tickets

To request your tickets online, simply fill out the form below. This does not guarantee your tickets, but this will get your name on the list and someone will contact you regarding payment arrangements.

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    Auction Items Wanted 

    We invite you to get involved and contribute to this year’s Silent Auction. All funds raised benefit upcoming events and programs at The Ledge for community members.

    Why donate items for the Silent Auction?

    • All items are tax-deductible as charitable contributions at their actual value
    • Items valued at $75 or higher in value are encouraged

    Please send photos and relevant details about the items you want to donate via email to Kim Patterson at kim@scledge.org with the following subject line: Silent Auction Items

    The deadline for submitting Auction Items is February 5, 2024. 

    Catered Meal provided by Chris and Heather Rawdon

    Side Salad
    Green Beans Wrapped in Bacon
    Twice-Baked Potatoes
    Dinner Rolls
    Key Lime Pie and Chocolate Cake
    Tea and Coffee

    legacy of love catering image